Looking Back.
February 14, 2019 marked our 25 year anniversary serving the Lord through King’s Kids and Youth With A Mission. How can we possibly summarize the last 27 years of ministry in 35 countries? It's thousands in the bull ring and an orphan hearing a Bible story. It's homeless addicts and government officials. It's remote villages without electricity and gleaming high tech Hong Kong. It's living in the jungle and giant bugs and worshiping with believers in many languages. It's lepers and Buddhists and thousands of prisoners and Hindus and devil worshippers. It's joy and seeing God work.
It's scary border crossings and lots of praying and not knowing how things will turn out but moving forward anyway because God said to. It's growing in faith and compassion and boldness and love. It's watching the first time a Muslim understands what Jesus has done for him. It's huge altar calls and no response at all. It's tens of thousands of students in matching uniforms at school assemblies all over the globe. It's unbelievable poverty and heathen temples and witch doctors and devoted foreign believers and threats from terrorists.
It's weird food and delicious food and things we will try to avoid ever tasting again–fermented horse milk is at the top of that list. It's magnificent beaches and wild monkeys and cobras and volcanoes. It's exhaustion and satisfaction and awe that the sovereign Lord could ever use fallen people like us as His vessels. It's praises of men and recognition and reminding ourselves that only Jesus deserves glory.
It's going through new doors and fear and fasting and research and more prayer. It's lots of stamps on passports and 64 flights over the Atlantic and Pacific. It's jet lag and stomach upsets. It's believing God will supply the money and seeing Him do it over and over again. It's countless hours at the computer typing and revising and studying. It's providing spiritual food from the Word of God to hungry hearts near and very far away. It's raising our four kids and helping hundreds of parents raise theirs to serve the Lord. It's spiritual attack and clinging to Jesus and asking for prayer support.
It's warm hospitality and lasting friendships with foreign friends on every continent. It's meetings with pastors and youth leaders and missionaries and strategizing how to advance the Kingdom. It's a blessing and a challenge and an adventure, and you're a part of it, too.

Looking Forward.
We are so blessed to have a place in this work of the Lord! In every way, we see the faithfulness of God and His hand on us. King’s Kids has an incredible facility, Divine favor in the Christian community both locally and worldwide, opportunities to serve around the globe and a devoted staff of Godly people to accomplish His plans.
I believe the most important thing I can do at this phase of life is to impart to younger leaders the things the Lord has taught me over the last 41 years of ministry. Maybe God has planned for you to be one of those younger leaders! Maybe your children are some of those young leaders!
We start with 9 year olds on our Junior Team, teaching them to have a genuine relationship with Jesus and then how to share His love with others. Even at a young age, they are equipped with tools for ministry and a heart to serve. Then the teenagers on Senior Team get hands on experience leading small groups and developing plans for outreach. After graduation, they can join our exciting year long internship program and be launched into God’s destiny for their future!
Teaching hungry-for-God young people is one of the greatest joys in my life. This is especially true in our booming Tuesday night Extreme Discipleship Course and with our interns. It amazes me that the Lord has opened the doors to do this not only in person but in writing, since books and Bible studies can travel to places I will never get to visit. I am committed to putting everything I know about Him on paper so that it can benefit the maximum number of people worldwide.
Together, we can make a huge difference for the glory of God both locally and in far away places. We can bring Jesus’ light to the dark corners of the world, and His redemption to the lost and broken. Will you and your kids join in? Will you support our ministry and staff in finances and prayer? Let’s see His kingdom come among kids and families worldwide!
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