What People are Saying:
“This study is amazing. I used it with high school student I mentor, and she has grown tremendously. She admitted to me that she was nervous to start it at first, but is so thankful she has done it and is really sad that we are through with it.”
Nitin Sardar
Chairman of DinBandhu Ministries
“This book is a very good resource for youth and also those who are youth ministers. I believe that through this book Vinnie makes us think, and work towards enrichment for reflecting Christ’s character in and through our lives.”
Ashu Wakode
Director of Dinbandhu Ministries
“…what he writes will give a deep knowledge and guidance to young generation.”
Gizachew Ayka
Founder of Win Souls for God Evangelical Ministers On street people and Children
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
“IDC is an invaluable tool that I would highly recommend to all churches that have a passion to see the Great Commission accomplished…”
Yuenyi Chan
Hong Kong
“…practical application gleaned from years of intensive and extensive youth ministry…”
Andy Frecka
National Director
Youth With A Mission Russia
“The level of commitment, sacrifice, and quality of the material has produced great change in our teams, change that lasts. Vinnie has been gifted with the ability to address serious topics in a manner that convicts and inspires at the same time. The IDC series has been a great resource for training up a core of youth and equipping them to be leaders.”
Shaun Gibson
Youth Pastor
Calvary Chapel, Rio Grande Valley
What People are Saying:
Chairman of DinBandhu Ministries
Director of Dinbandhu Ministries
Founder of Win Souls for God Evangelical Ministers On street people and Children
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Hong Kong
National Director
Youth With A Mission Russia
Youth Pastor
Calvary Chapel, Rio Grande Valley
Intensive Discipleship Course
Intensive Discipleship Course

Developing Godly Character
Intensive Discipleship Course, by Vinnie Carafano
Ask yourself:
- Are you hungry to know God more, to walk in His ways, to dive deep into His Word?
- Are you ready to be a bold and purposeful disciple of Christ?
- Do you want to change your habits and the way you live on a day-to-day basis?
- Do you long to discover God's plan for your life?
If you answer yes to these questions this book is developed for you from years of student ministry experience. The Intensive Discipleship Course is designed specifically for high-school and college students — individuals and groups.
In Developing Godly Character, students will establish a firm foundation for effectively studying the Bible, developing a strong prayer life, serving in humility, overcoming sin, and growing spiritually.
Students will learn from:
- Challenging weekly teachings
- Daily Bible reading
- Scripture memory
- Prayer and fasting
- Spiritual growth questionnaires
- Missions and book reports
- Resources for continued growth
- This is a twelve-week, life-changing exercise of commitment and learning.
Pages: 157 (paperback)

Being Useful to God Now
Intensive Discipleship Course, by Vinnie Carafano
In this course, students explore attitudes that will challenge them to prepare their hearts to serve the Lord and allow his nature to be expressed through them. They gain specific guidance in giving godly counsel and ministering to people with common problems. Finally they learn about Bible study preparation, biblical evangelism, discipling new converts, and recognizing their ministry calling.
Series description:
Developed from years of student ministry experience, the Intensive Discipleship Course is designed specifically for high schoolers and college students. Each volume in the Intensive Discipleship Course series is a twelve-week, life-changing exercise of commitment and learning. Students learn principles instead of just facts so that they can apply the Lord's unchanging ways to a rapidly changing world.
Unique features:
- integrated in-depth discipleship program
- proven performance and acceptance in churches
- systematic approach to learning
- user-friendly workbook format
Pages: 176 (paperback)

Cults & World Religions
Intensive Discipleship Course, by Vinnie Carafano
Ask yourself:
- What would you say to a Muslim friend who says Jesus was just a prophet?
- How would you expose the deception in the beliefs of Mormon missionaries?
- Could you answer the arguments of Jehovah's Witnesses at your door?
- Could you explain or defend the doctrine of the Trinity or the validity of the Bible?
Reaching a Lost World will challenge you to dig deeply into the Word of God for answers to these questions and many more. In twelve weeks you’ll be equipped as a more effective witness for the Lord. You’ll feel more confident to talk to members of cults and world religions about your faith and be ready to stand up for the truth.
Why should you study cults and world religions? Because our world is no longer divided into isolated parts. A century ago most Westerners would not have known a Hindu, Buddhist, or Muslim. Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witness were small fringe groups, and the New Age movement had not officially begun. Today people of every major cult and world religion are nearby, living in our neighborhoods, sitting next to us in class, and working with us at our jobs. We can bring the light of the gospel to people from every belief system, and we need to prepare ourselves through study and prayer.
Each volume in the Intensive Discipleship Course series is a twelve-week, life-changing exercise of commitment and learning. Developed from years of student ministry experience, the course is designed specifically for high-school and college students, as individuals or in groups.
Students will learn from:
- Challenging weekly teachings
- Daily Bible reading
- Scripture memory
- Prayer and fasting
- Mission and book reports
- Resources for continued growth
Pages: 176 (paperback)

Missions and Evangelism
Intensive Discipleship Course, by Vinnie Carafano
Ask yourself:
- What has God put on your heart?
- How much do you know about world issues and
- God's attitude toward them?
- What can you do in the face of rampant poverty, violence, injustice, and hopelessness?
- Are you prepared to follow God and live out His compassion wherever He leads?
Many young Christians are ready for a challenge. Knowing God's Heart is a book about destiny, purpose, and calling. It directs readers to a life of fulfilling the plans of God and the purposes for which He created them.
Studying missions is a dangerous thing. It leaves you with more responsibility to take action. Sometimes it's easier not to know . . . but would you prefer ignorance? Millions die each year without knowing the love of Jesus Christ. Millions are impoverished, homeless, abused, unloved, and lonely. This book will show you God's compassion for a broken world and give you the tools you need to follow Him into places where the light of Christ is yet to shine.
Each volume in the Intensive Discipleship Course is a twelve-week, life-changing exercise of commitment and learning. Developed from years of student ministry experience, the course is designed specifically for high-school and college students, as individuals or in groups.
Students will learn from:
- Challenging weekly teachings
- Learning evaluations
- Mission and book reports
- Resources for continued growth
- Daily Bible reading
- Scripture memory
- Prayer and fasting
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